Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 6: Feist, Raymond E

Author: Feist, Raymond E

Status: Read before 

Genre(s): Fantasy

Books: 22 solo, 6 co-authored. 

Books Read: Magician; Silverthorn; and Darkness at Sethanon. (The Riftwar Saga).

Why Chosen: Enjoyable easy-to-read fantasy.

Pros: Easy to read and well written. The characters are engaging, along with the world-building aspects.
Cons: In some respects a standard fantasy offering. Also noted was, at least in the series I read, a lack of female characters. The main characters were male, with females as wives/love interests. However there were still some positive viewpoints of women.
Would I read more of this author: Yes

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1 comment:

  1. You definitely must include some Hamilton once you reach H :)
